Shade matching chart:

*Performance based on polishing light-cured Estelite Sigma Quick with waterproof abrasive paper (#1500) followed by Soflex super fine. **Abrasive paper and Soflex are not products of Tokuyama Dental America.
The miracle match
Estelite Sigma Quick is a top universal composite, a universal, supra-nano filled dental composite that utilizes 100% spherical fillers (82% by weight/ 71% by volume). This unique world-class technology delivers a flexible shade matching process, exceptional esthetics and long-term wear resistance.
- Utilizing supranano spherical fillers, one shade can invisibly blend within
several shades. - Creamy, non-sticky consistency for easy handling.
- Extended working time of 90 seconds under ambient light, with only 10 seconds light-curing.
- High diffusion and refraction of light results in a unique blending effect.
- Resists slumping for effortless sculpting.
- Exceptional polishability reaching over 90%* glossiness in only 60 seconds.
- Reduced abrasion for long-term wear resistance.
- Low 1.3% linear shrinkage resists marginal leakage.
- Low shrinkage stress for lasting patient comfort.
- Retained levels of surface smoothness for a lasting polish.
LASTING - Minimal Wear Over Time
Reduced abrasion for long term wear resistance
LASTING -Retained Surface Smoothness for Lasting Glossiness
100% Spherical supra-nano size and shape means abrasion/plucking does not impact quality of shine.