Why Aoralscan 3?

The latest SHINING3D Dental software update improves efficiency, streamlines workflows, and enhances the clinic experience for patients.
If you are looking for an intraoral scanner, come and listen to Dr. Ahmad Al-Hassiny's recommendations. After reviewing dozens of intraoral scanners, he found the Aoralscan 3intraoral scanner to be one of the best affordable intraoral scanners available in 2022. The scanner is well-built, fast and accurate, and comes with several clinical toolkits and consultation assistance, such as Ortho Simulation, Data Track and Oral Health Report.
With the rise of 3D printers, more and more dentists are becoming attracted to intraoral scanners for restorative, orthodontic and implant applications. Discover how an Aoralscan 3 intraoral scanner can improve treatment outcomes beyond, provide better communication with the lab, and increase efficiency.
Check out the workflow for chairside dental restorations using the Aoralscan 3 intraoral scanner and exocad. By utilizing an intraoral scanner, CAD software, and a milling machine or 3D printer, you can save money in the lab and provide patients with a single restoration.
Open or closed tray impressions are tedious, complicated, and vulnerable to many issues. Today scan bodies with an intraoral scanner simplify implant restorations significantly. This video will demonstrate the correct implant scanning strategy when using your Aoralscan 3 intraoral scanner and scan bodies.

Restoring implants conventionally can be time-consuming and messy, but using intraoral scanners like the Aoralscan 3 intraoral scanner can make the process faster and easier. Dr. Ahmad Al-Hassiny from the Institute of Digital Dentistry explains how to use exocad software to design the final implant prosthetic after taking an intraoral scan.
High-performance, very fast scanner that provides a smooth scanning experience. It can be considered one of the best Chinese scanners on the market. The scanning process is efficient, and the AI is excellent.
This scanner has impressive scan speeds and very low cost. Considering scan speed alone, it competes with much more expensive scanners on the market, such as Medit, TRIOS, iTero, etc. For its price, it is truly impressive.