Enhance Your Digital Denture Design Workflow with the Cutting-Edge Inspira® Library by exocad
We are pleased to announce the release of the Inspira® Denture Tooth Library on September 16, 2024. This innovative library, developed by exocad, is the first of its kind specifically created for a digital workflow in denture design. It incorporates predefined contact points for automatic occlusion, streamlining the prosthetic setup process.
The Inspira® module will be made available at no cost to DentalCAD licensees who have an active Flex Ultimate Bundle, as well as to those with a DentalCAD Perpetual Ultimate Bundle possessing a valid upgrade contract as of the release date.
To discover the unique features of the Inspira® Denture Tooth Library and to learn more about its creator, MDT Claudio Mattina, an expert in denture solutions at exocad, please stay tuned for further details.

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